How to Win Listeners?
TNS Has Got the Answer
Continuous Radio Audience Research – Since January, 2013 Market Intelligence Caucasus/TNS surveys hundreds of listeners throughout Georgia to both determine listening habits and to identify trends in listening.
Market Intelligence Caucasus/TNS can help Radio stations to determine the times of day that different demographic groups use radio in both Tbilisi and the regions. With this information it is also possible to tailor its programming schedule to reach the people it needs to reach.
Who we are?
Market Intelligence Caucasus is part of the global network of the world’s leading market research agency – TNS Global. It has successfully operated in the Georgian market since 2007. We have access to advanced research models and methodologies, tempered and tested by offices of TNS Global around the world. In 2009 the company expanded and established daughter companies in Azerbaijan and Armenia. It has become a hub for market research in the South Caucasus Region.
Why is Radio Audience Measurement Important?
Radio listeners are much more selective than TV viewers – more than a half of radio listeners consciously change channels and select programs or music they want to hear. They are active listeners for instance, punching the button or “search” on a car radio several times during a commute to find just the right radio companion. They are more actively involved in selecting radio stations and changing channels than TV viewers.
The goal of the research is to capture this behavior so that clients can more intelligently use radio, to help the Georgian radio industry raise its standards to the standards of other developed radio markets. Our goal is to:
• build a market based on professional and informed decisions,
• provide useful information for radio stations, advertisers, agencies, non-government agencies and government agencies in planning to target listeners with messages while getting their best return on investment and
• give stations information they need to schedule programming, target listeners and increase audience.
Objectives of the Research
To make measurements and statistics available in various time periods (15 min, day parts, daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally.) These statistics include:
o Reach, the total number of different people reached by a station in a day or week;
o Rating, The average quarter hour number of persons expressed as percent of population being measured;
o Share, the percentage of those listening to radio who listen to a particular station;
o Average time spent listening (TSL) – The Estimate of the number of minutes the average listener spends with a station each day.
• To provide demographic information for the total radio audience and for each station participating in the research. This data includes gender, age, region, economic status, employment status, education, marital status and the number of children in each household.
• To identify listening location for the total radio audience and for each participating station (home, car, work, school, public transportation or cafes.)
• To identify devices used for listening for the total radio audience and each participating station (FM radio, car radio, mobile phone radio, internet or on TV.)
• To analyze behavioral loyalty of listeners (Duplicated audience, Exclusive audience and the Core audience for stations.)
• To show listening patterns by time, in 15 minute intervals, dayparts (morning drive, midday, evening drive).
The study is based on an establishment survey, conducted by Market Intelligence Caucasus/TNS to collect sufficient demographic data (gender, age, employment, material status, and car ownership) of radio listeners in Georgia. The survey allowed Market Intelligence Caucasus/TNS to identify what part of the population listens to the radio and what is their demo profile. Such information was necessary to create the monthly sample. In order for the data to be representative 13,647 people were interviewed in the establishment survey.
Following the establishment survey Market Intelligence Caucasus/TNS chose the proper sample for national results and for each market. The chart below shows the number of surveys conducted in each market in the first 10 waves of the survey.
TNS conducts the research using Day After Recall (DAR) Methodology. The same number of people is interviewed each day. The surveyor refreshes the memories of the respondents by reminding them of the activities that they carried out the day before. Then the surveyor asks what radio station the subject listened to.
• Each say the same number of people are interviewed.
• Where level of phone penetration is sufficient interviews are done via telephone. In other places it is carried out via face-to-face interviews.
• These interviews measure radio audience in 15 minute time increments.
• Using the database allows analysis for several different time periods including dayparts (Morning Drive, Midday, Evening Drive), day of the week, week day or weekend, monthly or seasonally).
• Using this methodology, interviewing the same number of people each day, clients can spot trends, is listening growing, falling, changing in demographic, changing seasonally.
Results are released monthly based on surveys done during the last three months. This assures us a large enough sample to measure stations with smaller audiences. So data released in May 2014 will include surveys taken February through March, data released in June 2014 will include surveys taken from March through May 2014 (see the chart below).
TNS also releases aggregated data using six month, nine month and one year samples. This gives clients a huge database that can supply statistically significant data for even the smallest radio markets.
Use: The information obtained within the study is important for the entire radio industry and enables clients (including radio stations, agencies, advertisers, NGOs and government agencies) to:
• determine the demographic profile of the station
• conduct data analysis for different target groups
• do media planning
• select the correct time interval for programs, designed for different target groups
• gather information about competitors and about radio market in general
• prepare specific proposals for clients based on real data.
Clients: In order to attract advertising agencies, we prepare custom reports, to show how the data from a study could be used to benefit specific clients.
We work to attract radio stations. We prepare individual reports for each radio station, and explain to them how to analyze data, how to detect weaknesses in their own program and the programming of the competitors’, and how to strengthen their position in the market. Advertising agencies Magistyle, TBC TV, Mediaport have become our clients too.
Among our clients are: four stations of “Radio Saqartvelo” ( “Fortuna”, “Fortuna+”, “Ar Daidardo”, “Apkhazetis Khma”) as well as “Radio Imedi”, “Dardimandi”, “Pirveli Radio”,”Radio Utsnobi”, “Radio Palitra”, “Atinati”, “Hereti”, “Dzveli Kalaqi”,”Radio Rioni”, “Maestro”, and “Jako”.